What I Offer & Accomplishments

Excellent accounting, finance, cash management, and negotiation skills:
Negotiated new debt financing and line of credit increase to $8,000,000 due to growth needs and changing working capital needs.

Negotiated new credit card processing contract with yearly processing savings of $25,000.

Decreased month end close from forty five days to ten days. This was done through an accounting team/system overhaul replacing current inefficient employees and systems, establishing consistency throughout the department, and developing a more comprehensive and efficient reporting process.

Negotiated new Product Liability Insurance saving the organization $100,000/year, 

Experience developing people, teams, and departments both domestically and internationally:
Established and fully responsible for Accounting, HR, and IT department and financial operations for start-up international subsidiary in Germany including a Belgium sales office. 30+ employees and $25,000,000 yearly revenue.

Played a key role in negotiating a $6,000,000 foreign subsidy agreement for government reimbursement to be used for company capital purchases.

Interim HR Manager for twelve months, managing open enrollment and a company reorganization for multi-state offices. Streamlined the review process. Managed reorganization and office closure. 

Broad business acumen with an understanding of what it takes to compete in a dynamic world:
Boosted sales revenue by $750,000/year and increased monthly cash flow by conceiving, developing and implementing ‘First Look’ sales campaign.

Developed, presented, and executed two strategic plans resulting in a new business model, a 180 change in vision, and company wide reorganization.
Developed and integrated new systems including Order Entry, ERP, back office, and reporting:
Collaborated on ERP system implementation for retail business, including, point of sales and full back office. Management included budgeting all costs and ROI, design specifications, system integration with the website, outside payroll, and banks and employee training. Three year payback adding $250,000 to $500,000 in sales revenue.

Managed various IT and system projects saving the company $54,000 annually.

A fresh perspective while promoting positive change:
Developed and implemented inventory control process for all units including periodic cycle counts, new valuation methods, slow moving inventory management and semi-annual physical counts. Also negotiated smaller purchased lot sizes with a total savings including, inventory holding costs, of $200,000/year.

Strong work ethic while supporting continuous positive improvement, building bench strength and encourging lifelong learning through training, education, and certification:
Collaborated in the development of sales team key process indicators (KPI’s) and change in commission’s structure focusing on individual measures and performance.
Negotiated many multi-million dollar, multi-year new business contracts including cost and fee structure and rebate structure.

A deep commitment to success:
Leadership role collaborating with other functions and managing several teams in the reorganization and combination of two plants into a $350M organization. Full responsibility for the accounting of all asset movement and the reconciliation of the two plant financial records.

Proven leadership skills with the ability to lead, motivate, and inspire others:
Developed and managed a training program to transfer $4,000,000 of customer orders backlog from one plant to another and collaborated with information systems, customer service and marketing management on new of product pricing programs.

I possess the tools, drive, experience, and vision to help any organization to succeed:
Collaborated with the VP of Purchasing and Executive Chef in developing a new food processing costing methodology and pricing strategy. This new method and strategy provided more purchasing leverage and negoticiated lower purchase prices.

Instituted an overseas manufacturing rebate program providing $1,800,000 COG’s yearly savings.

Oversee the measurment of the effectiveness of all management practices, processes, and activities of the organization:
– Goal setting
– Planning
– KPI and metric development
– Implementation tactics
– Follow through
– Holding people accountable for their actions

Maintain internal control and safeguard for revenue, costs, and budget versus actual expenditures:
– Create solid financials and insure data integrity
– Create, maintain, and manage a reliable planning  process and educate  others to understand
– Cost variance analysis and management accountability
– Continuous positive improvement with internal control process
– Involve all departments

Identify internal opportunities and problems:
The key is to understand that much information, if not the answers, can be found in your people. Listen to the people closest to the problem/situation/opportunity.

A communication style that welcomes candid dialog from all areas and levels of an organization.

Uncompromising integrity.